I founded the award-winning end of life planning platform Final Fling in 2010.
Final Fling was all about planning ahead for end of life. After 10 years, I wound in the platform to have more time to deliver services at time of need as a Humanist celebrant delivering funerals, running the occasional Death Cafe and helping families create advance plans, when they want to sort things before they die.
Thinking outside the box
End of life innovation
Barbara’s passion for doing death differently is nothing new. In 2010 Barbara began work on a dream to make end of life planning easier. Over 2 years she designed and developed the UK’s first platform for end of life planning. She launched Final Fling in 2012. It was 5-star rated by Web User Magazine, winning the accolade Best New Website up against giant brands. At that year’s Good Funeral Awards, she won the award: Most Outstanding Contribution to Understanding Death.
Helping with life and death decisions, she went on to launch and host Scotland’s first Death Cafes, held a symposium Design for Death for charity and health sectors, produced Scotland’s first Day of the Dead Festival and over the coming years ran workshops and events across the UK for national programmes like Dying Matters Week and Absent Friends Festival and spoke at the Cheltenham Book Festival and many other events.
Putting ‘rich’ into ritual
Final Fling launched in 2012 and over the years, thousands of people set up free accounts on the platform to stay in control - right to the end. The Life Planning Tools enabled users to save and share Funeral Wishes, Bucket List ideas, store digital legacies like photos and home movies in the Memory Box and share key documents securely in the Safe Deposit Box.
Barbara had a vision: to help put ‘rich’ into ritual. She wanted to be more hands on in delivering good funerals. In 2013 she did Care of the Body and funeral arranging training. In 2014, she trained as a Humanist celebrant. In 2016 she co-founded the Scottish charity A Quiet Revolution to support people with the costs of funerals. In 2016/17 she studied for a Masters in Design Innovation. In 2020 Barbara completed Funeral Director training and launched Only Human, providing a fresh take on funeral services.
Innovating on funerals
Funeral mastery
In 2016 Barbara studied for a Masters in Design Innovation at the prestigious Glasgow School of Art. Her work on 21st Century Funerals was multi-award winning. She gained a Distinction and was awarded the Chairman’s Medal for Innovation. She was thrilled to be first to receive the Innovation School’s inaugural Innovation by Design prize for use of design in creating engagement tools. Her engagement spanned workshops with professionals in the care sector; ethnographic research with individuals - like a mum who’s son was murdered and a woman who’s partner took his own life. As part of her research, she worked in funeral parlours behind the scenes and at funerals. She engaged with the public at a Death Cafe and hundreds of people came along to share views at an exhibition at Glasgow’s Gallery of Modern Art. Her award-winning design solution envisioned transformational change in that could end funeral poverty, boost citizen confidence around funerals, provide a social leveller for funerals and help individuals achieve agency and choice.
The legacy lives on
Celebrating the ordinary and extraordinary thing that is living and dying through events, workshops, death cafes, photos, stories, films…
Final Fling started with an Abbey Road style launch to signal its spirited vibe. No fluffy clouds and euphemisms. We talk openly about life and death. Our house style was photos and stories of real people and their ordinary and extraordinary lives. Barbara linked with others in the ‘death movement’ across the world - people working hard to change end of life experience. The gallery below gives a sense of some of the happenings over the last 10 years.
(See numbered list below to explain each pic.)

Photos above:
Abbey Road style launch
Real people, real stories… Final Flingers contributed photos from real life.
The Life Planning Tools Memory Box.
In the Dragons Den
The Life Planning Tools
Winning a Good Funeral Award
Helping to launch Clandon Wood Natural Burial Ground
Presenting at Good Life Good Death Good Grief conference
Films on How to Talk About Death produced with IRISS
Exhibition at Glasgow’s Gallery of Modern Art
Leading a ceremony
Talking live on television about the cost of funerals
Final Fling launched Scotland’s first Death Cafe and held them regularly
Typical Final Fling pics of real lives
With Death Movement royalty at awards ceremony
Hosting Design for Death Symposium for public sector professionals
Service design workshop for end of life
Performing ‘Death Rattle’ at Final Fling’s Day of the Dead Festival
With author and death specialist, Dr Kathryn Mannix
Award winning Masters in Design Innovation focussing on 21st century funerals
Judging the Scottish Funeral Awards (with death doula, Hilary Peppiette)